I was reading a message board today and came across a thread about balancing home responsibilities and raising a toddler. The original poster was stressed because she was feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep up with her chores, care for her toddler and work full time.
I can totally relate. My house is always a mess. Even when Big Daddy and I swear that this time, we are going to keep it clean. My laundry is a never ending pile. Our master bath is a disaster. My car is a mobile dumpster of soda bottles. I am a mess.
But when I get home I want to regroup. I want to spend time with my husband, and my son. I want to take a few minutes to blog about our life. I just want to focus on LIFE.
So, how can I fit in the responsibility? I've tried to do lists, but find them overwhelming. I've tried making a schedule, but my job doesn't have a predictable schedule so I can't keep to it. I can't afford to hire someone so what's a girl to do?
The moms I know who have the perfectly clean house don't ever sit down and relax at night, or on the weekends, or ever. I don't have that drive to clean that makes it worth it to me to give up time with my loved ones.
As I read this I ask, am I just being a spoiled child? Maybe. Probably. But I know I'll never regret that extra snuggle with M, that extra time with Big Daddy.
So I can't claim my cape or superpowers yet. But maybe someday I'll get it figured out.
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