Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beating the sweet tooth

I was never one with a big sweet tooth.  I could pass on most cakes, pretty much every pie, didn't give a hoot about cookies.  I had a couple weaknesses.  I love ice cream.  Always have, always will.  I can build an entire day's menu around eating chocolate chip cookies.  Only homemade.  And I have a secret love of Jell-o no bake cheese cake.

So like I said, no real sweet tooth...until I got pregnant.  Then suddenly I got one.  And now I'm trying to kill it.  It is not helping with the whole weight loss thing.  During Lent Big Daddy and I gave up desserts.  That worked in breaking me of my daily dessert habit.  But sometimes I just want something sweet.

We came up with some things that worked well as subs when we just really needed something and my favorite was my peanut butter, banana and honey combination.  It is super easy and I pulled it out again tonight.

So here's all you need.

1 banana
1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter
a few chocolate chips if you are so inclined.

Split banana down the middle and put in microwave safe bowl.
Spread with peanut butter and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Nuke it for 1 minute until banana is soft.  Drizzle with honey and enjoy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Let's Get Physical, and maybe a bit risqué

So as I mentioned, Big Daddy and I are trying to get fit.  He's done amazing, losing almost 40 pounds in 3 and a half months.  I have lost like 5 pounds in the same time.  But that is neither here nor there.  I'm definitely getting healthier.

So with this new commitment to fitness I figured it was time to step out of the old baggy pajama pants and sorority tees (how sad after a decade removed from college I am still sporting tees from my freshman year).  So off I head to the sporting goods store.  I am sure there are some fantastic advancements in fabrics but $60 for a pair of workout pants seems insane to me.  I mean, do they make me burn more calories?  Probably not.  Do they hide the fat on my ass better than the cheap pair?  Nope.  Do they make that last set of squats less painful?  Doubtful.  So I settled for the pair that was still like $40 with tears in my eyes.  I want to spend that money on something awesome, like food, or new underwear.  And on that stream, when did I lose all my respectable underwear?  I used to have drawers full.  Now, all lame and boring and eerily similar to the kind my mom wears.

So then it was time to look for "supportive" items.  So I try on several and discover something very disturbing.  All of the ones I tried on had padding of some sort, and all of them made it should I put I was really really cold.  Is this a new thing in fitness?  I mean don't get me wrong, I have seen some doozies at the gym.  The girls with lace tops; the long, braided pigtails; the knee high argyle socks with the same underwear shorts I'm pretty sure I was forced to wear for high school volleyball.  Since when is me sweating and gross at the gym my opportunity to get sexy.  You'd be lucky to have me with freshly brushed teeth, let alone looking all hot and desirable.  My goal is just not to be the stinky one in the gym.

So needless to say, I passed on the nipped out sports bras.  I'll stick with my old school ones that keep everything in place and my unfortunately my sexpot alter ego won't get to come out while I'm sweating and cursing my trainer.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I don't want to know anything about your peanuts

I do not consider myself to be shy, or prude, or modest for that matter.  I can talk about any topic under the sun.  I mean, I have a degree to prepare me for these sensitive subjects (does a degree still count even if I haven't used it ever?).

However, nothing has prepared me for the constant and unwavering obsession my 3 year old has with his "peanuts".  I should start by saying I always swore I would teach my children the real words for their body parts.  But really, how can you not fall in love with the words they come up with themselves.  So back to my original point.  So he's obsessed with his penis and wants to talk about it constantly.  We've worked hard to at least focus his personal attention on it to bath time (mainly in an effort to keep his hand out of his diaper).  So bath time is basically his favorite time of day.  I like to tell myself it is because he loves to be clean and fresh and splash.  I'm pretty sure it is because he gets 15 minutes of uninterrupted time without me telling him to keep his hands out of his pants.  So anyways, the other night he asks "Mom, is my peanuts really big?".  To say I was speechless is more than an understatement.  How the hell do you answer that kind of question??  Those are really the times I wish Big Daddy was in charge of his bath time.  So here I am.  What do I have to do to get through this stage?  I don't want him to feel like curiosity and knowledge of your own body is a bad thing.  I don't want him to feel like he's being bad.  But for the love, I don't want to have to talk to him about his "peanuts" either.  I'd like to be blissfully unaware of its presence.  Can't it work that way?  

Oh and how completely unfair is it that Baby K is now discovering her lady parts.  Every diaper change is like a really absurd hog tie.  I somehow must manage to hold her legs and hands, do the typical cleanup, re-diaper and dance a jig to keep her distracted.  


Holy crap its been a while.  Lots to update

Me and Big Daddy are still here, going strong.  We've both decided that the 6 years of marriage and 2 kids (yes 2, told you there were updates) have come with a few too many pounds.  So we are trying to live that whole healthy lifestyle.  We are doing pretty good, and perhaps we'll talk more about that adventure in coming posts.

So M is 3 now.  Hysterical, energetic, brilliant, and a pretty freaking awesome little dude.  He challenges up daily (as witnessed by the increased number of gray hairs), but I think he's the coolest 3 year old I know, so I'll keep him.

And now we have added Baby K.  Obviously that name won't last much longer.  Especially since she's already 1.  But she's sweet, and happy, and everyone just loves her.  She's got a temper, especially when it comes to food (yeah, she got that from me).  I was totally nervous about the prospect of having girl, and despite her recent outbursts, she's amazing.  I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love my M. But they both just steal my heart.

So lets try this whole blogging thing again.  I'm not sure where it will lead, what this will become, or anything else.  But like I said...lets see.